Bill Atweh's Selected Publications
The underlined publications may be downloaded from this website; however, they are not the final published versions. Any infringement on copyright should be brought to my attention.
Refereed Edited Books
Atweh, B. & Watson, J. (Eds.). (1992). Research in mathematics education in Australasia: 1988-1991. Brisbane: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Atweh, B., Owens, K.,& Sullivan, P. (Eds.). (1996). Research in mathematics education in Australasia: 1992-1995. Sydney: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Atweh, B., Kemmis, S.,& Weeks, P. (Eds.). (1998). Action research in practice: Partnerships for social justice in education. London: Rutledge.
Malone, P, Atweh, B.& Northfield, G. (Eds.). (1998). Research and supervision in mathematics and science education. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Atweh, B. Forgazs, H.& Nebres. (Eds.). (2001). Sociocultural research on mathematics education: An international perspective. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Atweh, B., Ubina-Balagatas, M., Bernardo, A., Frido, M. & Macpherson, I. (Eds.). (2007). Ripples of change: A journey in preservice teacher education reform in the Philippines. Commission of Higher Education: Manila Philippines.
Atweh, B., Borba, M., Barton, A. Gough, N. Keitel, C., Vistro-Yu, C. & Vithal, R. (Eds.). (2007).Internationalisation and globalisation in mathematics and science education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer
Atweh, B., Graven, M.; Secada, W. & Valero, P. (Eds.). (2011). Mapping Equity and Quality in Mathematics Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B., Goos, M., Jorgensen, R. & Siemon, D. (Eds.). (2012). Engaging the Australian National Curriculum Mathematics: Perspectives from the field. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. Online book.
Special Issue Journal Editor
Atweh, B. Singh, P. (2011) (Eds). The Australian Curriculum. Australian Journal of Education. September, 2011
Chapters in Books (last five years)
Atweh, B. (2009). Ethical responsibility and the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of mathematics education in global context. In P. Ernest, B. Greer, & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Critical issues in mathematics education (pp. 7-18). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Atweh, B. (2009). What is this thing called social justice and what does it have to do with us in the context of globalization. In P. Ernest, B. Greer, & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Critical issues in mathematics education (pp. 111-124). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Atweh, B. & Bland, D. (2009). Action research in contexts of change and inequality. In K. Setati, R. Vithal, C. Malcolm & R. Dhunpath (Eds.), Researching possibilities in mathematics, science and technology education.New York: Nova science publishers.
Atweh, B. & Clarkson, P. (2010). Internationalization and globalization in mathematics education. In A. Bishop (Ed.), Mathematics Education: Major themes in education (pp. 384-400). UK: Rutledge.
Atweh, B. (2011). Quality and equity in mathematics as ethical issues. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada & P. Valero (Eds.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 63-76). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B. (2011). No highway and no destination. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada. & P. Valero (Eds.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 601-605). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B.,Bland, D. & Smilth, K.& Woodward, A. (2012).Engaging students in research relationships for school reform. C. Day (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development (pp. 233-242). UK: Routledge.
Atweh, B., Miller, D., Thornton, S. (2012). The Australian Curriculum Mathematics: World Class or Déjà Vu. In B. Atweh, M. Goos, R. Jorgensen, & D. Siemon, (Eds.). Engaging the Australian National Curriculum Mathematics: Perspectives from the field (pp. 1-18). Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. Online Book.
Atweh, B., Bland, D., & Akai, K. (accepted). Education for social responsibility: Ethics and Imagination in Engaging Teachers and Student. In T. Cotton (Ed.), Towards an education for social justice: Ethics applied to education. Peter Lang Publishers.
Atweh, B. (accepted). Mathematics education and democratic participation between the critical and the ethical: A Socially Response-able Approach. In O. Skovsmose & B. Greer (Eds.), Critique and politics of mathematics education. Sense Publishers.
Atweh, B.; Vale, C. & Walshaw, M. (accepted). Equity, diversity, social Justice and ethics in mathematics education: Persistent necessity for research and action. In J. Greenlees, T. Logan, T. Lowrie, A. MacDonald, & B. Perry (Eds.). Review of Australasian mathematics education research: 2008-2011 (pp. XX_XX). Mathematics Education Research Group in Australasia.
Commissioned reports
Crane, P., Brannock, J., Ray, L. Campbell, J. Smeal, G. & Atweh, B. (1997). Homelessness among Young people in Australia: Early intervention and prevention. ACT: National Youth Affairs Research Scheme, Department of Education, Employment and Training and Youth Affairs.
Atweh, B., Singh, P., Taylor, S., & Knight, J. (2006). Broadening Post School Options through Curriculum Engagement. Brisbane: Queensland Curriculum Council.
Refereed Journal Articles (Past 5 years only)
Atweh, B. & Brady, K. (2009). Socially Response-able Mathematics Education: Implications of an ethical approach. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 5(3), 135-143
Atweh, B. (2011). Reflections on social justice, race, ethnicity and identity from an ethical perspective. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6, 33–47.
Atweh, B. & Goos, M. (2011). The Australian Mathematics Curriculum: A move forward or back to the future? Australian Journal of Education 55(3), 214-228.
Atweh, B. & Singh. P. (2011). The Australian Curriculum: Continuing the national conversation. Australian Journal of Education 55(3), 189-196.
Alsharif, K., Atweh, B. (2012). Productive Pedagogies as framework to improve preservice teachers' practices. International Journal for Learning, 18(4), 223-235.
Alkharusi, B. & Atweh, B. (2012) Classroom climate supporting civic participation: A case study from Sultanate of Oman. International Journal for Learning, 18(4), 263-273.
Atweh, B. & Abadi (2012). Investigating teachers pedagogical beliefs in Indonesia and australia. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 21(2), 357-367.
Refereed Conference presentations (Past 5 years only)
Al Kharusi, B. & Atweh, B. (2008). Civic participation and educational reform in the Sultanate of Oman. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education. Brisbane: Queensland: AARE.
Al Kharusi. B.& Atweh, B. (2009). Teachers’ experience in enhancing students’ civic participation in the Sultanate of Oman. Paper presented at the International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly. Muscat: Oman: ICET.
Atweh, B., Clarkson, P. & Seah, W.T. (2010). What values do middle school students attribute to studying mathematics: A pilot study. In Chang, W.H, Fisher, D. Lin, C.Y. & Koul, R. (Eds). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (pp. 9-20). Hualine, Taiwan.
Alsharif, K.& Atweh, B. (2010). Gaps in understanding and implementing connectedness in mathematics teaching by Saudi student teachers. The Australian Association for Research in Education. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
Atweh, B. (2012). Socially response-able mathematics education: Lessons from three teachers. Presented at the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Conference in Singapore. The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Tanko, G., & Atweh, B. (2012). Developing mathematical knowledge through Social Justice Pedagogy with young adult Arab women. Presented at the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Conference in Singapore. The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Invited Conference Keynote Addresses:
Atweh, B. (2003). The practice of research and the research of practice. MATHTED Colloquium 2003. Manila, Philippines.
Atweh, B et all. (2004). Internationalisation and globalisation in mathematics education. Chair of Discussion Group 5 at the International Congress of Mathematics Education, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Atweh, B. Jurdak, M., Vistro-Yu, C. & Figueras, O. (2008). Equal access to quality mathematics education. Chair Plenary discussion at the International Congress of Mathematics Education. Monterey, Mexico. (and Powerpoint)
Atweh, B. (2008). Innovations supporting teachers for teachers supporting innovations. International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education – Manila, Philippines
Atweh, B. (2008). Beyond student-centred learning: Towards Socially Response-able Mathematics Education. Keynote Address at the International Symposium on Mathematics and Science Education for the centennial celebration of the University of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines.
Atweh, B. (2009) From ethnic to ethics: Towards a socially Response-able Mathematics Education in the APEC Region. Presentation at the APEC Regional Conference. Manila, Philippines
Atweh, B. (2009). The ‘Ethical Turn’ in educational research in mathematics education. Keynote presentation at the National Postgraduate Conference on Mathematics Education. Surabaya, Indonesia.
Atweh, B. (2009). Beyond student centred learning: Towards Socially Response-able Mathematics Education. Keynote address International Iberoamerica Conference on Mathematics Education. Madeline, Colombia
Atweh, B. (2009). Productive Pedagogies for e-learning environments. National Conference on E-Learning. Riyad, Saudi Arabia. (Arabic Translation)
Atweh, B. (2010). Ethical foundations of critical numeracy education: A Socially Response-able Approach. Australian Council for Adult Literacy Conference. Darwin, Australia.
Atweh, B. (2010). What does ethics have to do with numeracy? A Socially Response-able Approach to critical numeracy. Presented at the Sustainable Embedding of Literacy and Numeracy Forum – Hamilton New Zealand.
Atweh, B. (2011). Beyond student centred searning Towards educative pedagogies. International Conference on Educational Research. Thailand: Keon Kean University.
Other publications may be downloaded from:,_Bill.html,_Bill
Atweh, B. & Watson, J. (Eds.). (1992). Research in mathematics education in Australasia: 1988-1991. Brisbane: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Atweh, B., Owens, K.,& Sullivan, P. (Eds.). (1996). Research in mathematics education in Australasia: 1992-1995. Sydney: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Atweh, B., Kemmis, S.,& Weeks, P. (Eds.). (1998). Action research in practice: Partnerships for social justice in education. London: Rutledge.
Malone, P, Atweh, B.& Northfield, G. (Eds.). (1998). Research and supervision in mathematics and science education. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Atweh, B. Forgazs, H.& Nebres. (Eds.). (2001). Sociocultural research on mathematics education: An international perspective. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Atweh, B., Ubina-Balagatas, M., Bernardo, A., Frido, M. & Macpherson, I. (Eds.). (2007). Ripples of change: A journey in preservice teacher education reform in the Philippines. Commission of Higher Education: Manila Philippines.
Atweh, B., Borba, M., Barton, A. Gough, N. Keitel, C., Vistro-Yu, C. & Vithal, R. (Eds.). (2007).Internationalisation and globalisation in mathematics and science education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer
Atweh, B., Graven, M.; Secada, W. & Valero, P. (Eds.). (2011). Mapping Equity and Quality in Mathematics Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B., Goos, M., Jorgensen, R. & Siemon, D. (Eds.). (2012). Engaging the Australian National Curriculum Mathematics: Perspectives from the field. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. Online book.
Special Issue Journal Editor
Atweh, B. Singh, P. (2011) (Eds). The Australian Curriculum. Australian Journal of Education. September, 2011
Chapters in Books (last five years)
Atweh, B. (2009). Ethical responsibility and the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of mathematics education in global context. In P. Ernest, B. Greer, & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Critical issues in mathematics education (pp. 7-18). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Atweh, B. (2009). What is this thing called social justice and what does it have to do with us in the context of globalization. In P. Ernest, B. Greer, & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Critical issues in mathematics education (pp. 111-124). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Atweh, B. & Bland, D. (2009). Action research in contexts of change and inequality. In K. Setati, R. Vithal, C. Malcolm & R. Dhunpath (Eds.), Researching possibilities in mathematics, science and technology education.New York: Nova science publishers.
Atweh, B. & Clarkson, P. (2010). Internationalization and globalization in mathematics education. In A. Bishop (Ed.), Mathematics Education: Major themes in education (pp. 384-400). UK: Rutledge.
Atweh, B. (2011). Quality and equity in mathematics as ethical issues. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada & P. Valero (Eds.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 63-76). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B. (2011). No highway and no destination. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada. & P. Valero (Eds.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 601-605). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Atweh, B.,Bland, D. & Smilth, K.& Woodward, A. (2012).Engaging students in research relationships for school reform. C. Day (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development (pp. 233-242). UK: Routledge.
Atweh, B., Miller, D., Thornton, S. (2012). The Australian Curriculum Mathematics: World Class or Déjà Vu. In B. Atweh, M. Goos, R. Jorgensen, & D. Siemon, (Eds.). Engaging the Australian National Curriculum Mathematics: Perspectives from the field (pp. 1-18). Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. Online Book.
Atweh, B., Bland, D., & Akai, K. (accepted). Education for social responsibility: Ethics and Imagination in Engaging Teachers and Student. In T. Cotton (Ed.), Towards an education for social justice: Ethics applied to education. Peter Lang Publishers.
Atweh, B. (accepted). Mathematics education and democratic participation between the critical and the ethical: A Socially Response-able Approach. In O. Skovsmose & B. Greer (Eds.), Critique and politics of mathematics education. Sense Publishers.
Atweh, B.; Vale, C. & Walshaw, M. (accepted). Equity, diversity, social Justice and ethics in mathematics education: Persistent necessity for research and action. In J. Greenlees, T. Logan, T. Lowrie, A. MacDonald, & B. Perry (Eds.). Review of Australasian mathematics education research: 2008-2011 (pp. XX_XX). Mathematics Education Research Group in Australasia.
Commissioned reports
Crane, P., Brannock, J., Ray, L. Campbell, J. Smeal, G. & Atweh, B. (1997). Homelessness among Young people in Australia: Early intervention and prevention. ACT: National Youth Affairs Research Scheme, Department of Education, Employment and Training and Youth Affairs.
Atweh, B., Singh, P., Taylor, S., & Knight, J. (2006). Broadening Post School Options through Curriculum Engagement. Brisbane: Queensland Curriculum Council.
Refereed Journal Articles (Past 5 years only)
Atweh, B. & Brady, K. (2009). Socially Response-able Mathematics Education: Implications of an ethical approach. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 5(3), 135-143
Atweh, B. (2011). Reflections on social justice, race, ethnicity and identity from an ethical perspective. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6, 33–47.
Atweh, B. & Goos, M. (2011). The Australian Mathematics Curriculum: A move forward or back to the future? Australian Journal of Education 55(3), 214-228.
Atweh, B. & Singh. P. (2011). The Australian Curriculum: Continuing the national conversation. Australian Journal of Education 55(3), 189-196.
Alsharif, K., Atweh, B. (2012). Productive Pedagogies as framework to improve preservice teachers' practices. International Journal for Learning, 18(4), 223-235.
Alkharusi, B. & Atweh, B. (2012) Classroom climate supporting civic participation: A case study from Sultanate of Oman. International Journal for Learning, 18(4), 263-273.
Atweh, B. & Abadi (2012). Investigating teachers pedagogical beliefs in Indonesia and australia. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 21(2), 357-367.
Refereed Conference presentations (Past 5 years only)
Al Kharusi, B. & Atweh, B. (2008). Civic participation and educational reform in the Sultanate of Oman. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education. Brisbane: Queensland: AARE.
Al Kharusi. B.& Atweh, B. (2009). Teachers’ experience in enhancing students’ civic participation in the Sultanate of Oman. Paper presented at the International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly. Muscat: Oman: ICET.
Atweh, B., Clarkson, P. & Seah, W.T. (2010). What values do middle school students attribute to studying mathematics: A pilot study. In Chang, W.H, Fisher, D. Lin, C.Y. & Koul, R. (Eds). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (pp. 9-20). Hualine, Taiwan.
Alsharif, K.& Atweh, B. (2010). Gaps in understanding and implementing connectedness in mathematics teaching by Saudi student teachers. The Australian Association for Research in Education. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
Atweh, B. (2012). Socially response-able mathematics education: Lessons from three teachers. Presented at the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Conference in Singapore. The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Tanko, G., & Atweh, B. (2012). Developing mathematical knowledge through Social Justice Pedagogy with young adult Arab women. Presented at the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Conference in Singapore. The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Invited Conference Keynote Addresses:
Atweh, B. (2003). The practice of research and the research of practice. MATHTED Colloquium 2003. Manila, Philippines.
Atweh, B et all. (2004). Internationalisation and globalisation in mathematics education. Chair of Discussion Group 5 at the International Congress of Mathematics Education, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Atweh, B. Jurdak, M., Vistro-Yu, C. & Figueras, O. (2008). Equal access to quality mathematics education. Chair Plenary discussion at the International Congress of Mathematics Education. Monterey, Mexico. (and Powerpoint)
Atweh, B. (2008). Innovations supporting teachers for teachers supporting innovations. International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education – Manila, Philippines
Atweh, B. (2008). Beyond student-centred learning: Towards Socially Response-able Mathematics Education. Keynote Address at the International Symposium on Mathematics and Science Education for the centennial celebration of the University of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines.
Atweh, B. (2009) From ethnic to ethics: Towards a socially Response-able Mathematics Education in the APEC Region. Presentation at the APEC Regional Conference. Manila, Philippines
Atweh, B. (2009). The ‘Ethical Turn’ in educational research in mathematics education. Keynote presentation at the National Postgraduate Conference on Mathematics Education. Surabaya, Indonesia.
Atweh, B. (2009). Beyond student centred learning: Towards Socially Response-able Mathematics Education. Keynote address International Iberoamerica Conference on Mathematics Education. Madeline, Colombia
Atweh, B. (2009). Productive Pedagogies for e-learning environments. National Conference on E-Learning. Riyad, Saudi Arabia. (Arabic Translation)
Atweh, B. (2010). Ethical foundations of critical numeracy education: A Socially Response-able Approach. Australian Council for Adult Literacy Conference. Darwin, Australia.
Atweh, B. (2010). What does ethics have to do with numeracy? A Socially Response-able Approach to critical numeracy. Presented at the Sustainable Embedding of Literacy and Numeracy Forum – Hamilton New Zealand.
Atweh, B. (2011). Beyond student centred searning Towards educative pedagogies. International Conference on Educational Research. Thailand: Keon Kean University.
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