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Open Access Online Journals and Conference Proceedings
With the high cost of educational journals for many developing countries, the following are some remaining free access journals. If you would like to list your favourite journal here, please let me know.
Mathematics Education Open Access Research Journals
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
Since 1990, Paul Ernest has published on his website free journal that deals with theoretical and philosophical articles in mathematics education. The journal has many articles by leading mathematics educators around the world
EURASIA Journal for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
The EURASIA journal publishes original articles in the areas of mathematics education, science education, and technology education. The Journal strictly adheres to the universal principles of the peer review process. The aim is to
advance the scholarship and the scientific knowledge base in these three areas. Articles can take a variety of forms scholarly communication. We emphasize the importance of communication which have not been stressed adequately in the past such as interview/conversations with eminent scholars of the field and hence encourage authors to to get engaged in such activities and prepare manuscripts of this form. The Editorial Board also welcomes ideas and suggestions for special issues of the EURASIA Journal dedicated to a special theme.
advance the scholarship and the scientific knowledge base in these three areas. Articles can take a variety of forms scholarly communication. We emphasize the importance of communication which have not been stressed adequately in the past such as interview/conversations with eminent scholars of the field and hence encourage authors to to get engaged in such activities and prepare manuscripts of this form. The Editorial Board also welcomes ideas and suggestions for special issues of the EURASIA Journal dedicated to a special theme.
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development
The Mathematics Teacher Education and Development Journal (MTED), an official journal of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc. (MERGA), is an international refereed journal which provides a stimulating collection of articles with a focus on mathematics teacher education in the broader sense.
The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education
The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, academic journal published twice a year. The mission of the journal is to foster a transformative global academic space in mathematics that embraces critical research, emancipatory pedagogy, and scholarship of engagement in urban communities. Here, the view of the urban domain extends beyond the geographical context, into the lives of people within the multitude of cultural, social, and political spaces in which mathematics teaching and learning takes place.
NOMAD is a journal for research and developmental work in mathematics education. It addresses all who are interested in following the progress of this field in the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The most important aim of the journal is to stimulate, support and foster Nordic researchers and post-graduate students in mathematics education and to develop mathematics teaching and teacher-education in theory and practise at
all levels of the educational system.
all levels of the educational system.
The African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
The African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences (AJESMS) is an international publication for works of high academic quality. It aims at generating fresh scholarly inquiry and exposition in the fields of mathematics, Science Education and related disciplines. Efforts will be made to present in each volume of the journal works in various components of Mathematics and Sciences as they are related or embedded in education. In so doing, it will offer a forum of familiarizing the world with the goings-on in research endeavours and original thoughts in these important fields of human learning.
Adults Learning Mathematics
Adults Learning Mathematics - An International Journal is an international refereed journal that provides a forum for the online publication of high quality research on the teaching and learning, knowledge and uses of numeracy/mathematics to adults at all levels in a variety of educational sectors. Submitted papers should normally be of interest to an international readership.
Pythagoras is an influential, frequently cited, accredited, peer reviewed and Open Access journal published since 1980. The journal provides a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of current research and developments in Mathematics Education at national and international level. Journal of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, South Africa.
General Education Open Access Research Journals
Educational Researcher
Educational Researcher publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas of education research and related disciplines. Published nine times a year, ER aims to make major programmatic research and new findings of broad importance widely accessible.
Curriculum Inquiry
Curriculum Inquiry is dedicated to the study of educational research, development, evaluation, and theory. This leading international journal brings together influential academics and researchers from a variety of disciplines around the world to provide expert commentary and lively debate. Articles explore important ideas, issues, trends, and problems in education, and each issue also includes provocative and critically analytical editorials covering topics such as curriculum development, educational policy, and teacher education. he Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
The Journal of Educational Inquiry
Education Inquiry (Edu.Inq.) is an international on-line, peer-reviewed journal in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education from Sweden. It publishes original empirical and theoretical studies from a wide variety of academic disciplines. As the name of the journal suggests, one of its aims is to challenge established conventions and taken-for-granted perceptions within these fields.
Issues In Educational Research
Issues in Educational Research is a refereed academic research journal founded by the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research in 1991. From 1995, IIER has been published jointly by Australia's Institutes for Educational Research in New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. In September 2004 the Queensland Journal of Educational Research merged with Issues in Educational Research. A full QJER archive is now in development for IIER's website, to recognise and preserve the substantial contribution that QJER made to scholarly publishing of educational research in Australia, from its inception in 1985 until its final volume in 2003.
SAGE is the world’s largest independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research. SAGE has been involved in the Open Access debate for many years and was one of the first major publishers to actively
engage with this business model.
engage with this business model.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
It is an international refereed journal of original research in education, published triannually by the Academic Publications Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. It aims principally to provide a venue for the
publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.
publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.